
[유머] 미국 공교육 수준

일시 추천 조회 985 댓글수 10


댓글 10
김유자 | (IP보기클릭)211.246.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:30

미국도 강남엄마같은 사람많어...

가면라이더타임 | (IP보기클릭)106.102.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:30

보통 소괄호부터 계산 그 담에 소괄호 옆에 붙어있는 놈 그담에 사칙연산.. ...그딴거 필요없으니 공학계산기 ㄱㄱ

인생도솔플 | (IP보기클릭)1.225.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:32

팩트 계산기마다 결과 다르게나옴 학계에서도 논란있는 문제임 교육의 수준과는 전혀 상관없다

루리웹-947203 | (IP보기클릭)112.160.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:32

어떻게 표기하냐에 대한 문법 문제라서 명확히 정의된 수학적 문법이 존재하지 않는 한 논란은 계속 생기는 문제임.

루리웹-947203 | (IP보기클릭)112.160.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:34

History and Background of the Order of Operations We can't say that any one person invented the rules of the Order of Operations. They have grown gradually over several centuries and still continue to evolve. Here are a few notes on the how the Order of Operations became how what they are today: 1. The rule that multiplication has precedence over addition appears to have arisen naturally and without much disagreement as algebraic notation was being developed in the 1600s and the need for such conventions arose. Even though there were numerous competing systems of symbols, forcing each author to state his conventions at the start of a book, they seem not to have had to say much in this area. This is probably because the distributive property implies a natural hierarchy in which multiplication is more powerful than addition, and makes it desirable to be able to write polynomials with as few parentheses as possible. It may also be that the concept existed before the symbolism, perhaps just reflecting the natural structure of problems. 2. Some of the specific rules were not yet established in the 1920's. Math historian, Florian Cajori, points out that there was disagreement as to whether multiplication should have precedence over division, or whether they should be treated equally. The general rule was that parentheses should be used to clarify one's meaning - which is still a very good rule. However, there has not been found any twentieth-century declarations to resolved these issues. Therefore, it is hard to say exactly how they were resolved. 3. Many suspect that the concept, and especially the term "order of operations" and the "PEMDAS/BEDMAS" mnemonics, was formalized only in this century, or at least in the late 1800s, with the growth of the textbook industry. It is believed it has been more important to text authors than to mathematicians, who have just informally agreed without needing to state anything officially. 4. There is still some development in the order of operations, as it is frequently heard from students and teachers confused by texts that either teach or imply that implicit multiplication (2x) takes precedence over explicit multiplication and division (2*x, 2/x) in ex__pressions such as a/2b, which they would take as a/(2b), contrary to the generally accepted rules. The idea of adding new rules like this implies that the conventions are not yet completely stable; the situation is not all that different from the 1600s. In summary,the rules can fall into two categories: the natural rules such as precedence of exponential over multiplicative over additive operations, and the meaning of parentheses, and the artificial rules such as left-to-right evaluation, equal precedence for multiplication and

Taimanin | (IP보기클릭)124.63.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:37

자 그 문법문제가 이거다

Taimanin | (IP보기클릭)124.63.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:37

저 소괄호 앞에 곱이 생략된걸 먼저하는게 공식적인게 아니라며

10코 | (IP보기클릭)172.58.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:36

매트랩에서 저거 해보니까 문법오류떠서 안되더라

해물삼선짬뽕 | (IP보기클릭)119.201.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:43

아니 근데 14는 어떻게 계산해야 나오는 건데

몰라yo | (IP보기클릭)112.167.***.*** | 21.01.21 10:45
댓글 10
그냥남자사람 | 추천 177 | 조회 267052 | 날짜 2021.09.24
그을음 | 추천 59 | 조회 76249 | 날짜 2021.09.24
허무주의 | 추천 225 | 조회 193693 | 날짜 2021.09.24
되팔렘꼴통절단기 | 추천 20 | 조회 53632 | 날짜 2021.09.24
S.A.T.8 | 추천 8 | 조회 13158 | 날짜 2021.09.24
핵인싸 | 추천 926 | 조회 419285 | 날짜 2021.09.24
별빛 단풍잎 | 추천 5 | 조회 16967 | 날짜 2021.09.24
찐쿠아 | 추천 19 | 조회 28743 | 날짜 2021.09.24
Jade_2 | 추천 42 | 조회 183973 | 날짜 2021.09.24
닭도리탕 비싸 | 추천 26 | 조회 60091 | 날짜 2021.09.24
유우타군 | 추천 22 | 조회 64608 | 날짜 2021.09.24
가챠하느라밥이없어 | 추천 3 | 조회 6019 | 날짜 2021.09.24
니미핸드릭스 | 추천 29 | 조회 38786 | 날짜 2021.09.24
길가에e름없는꽃 | 추천 2 | 조회 8801 | 날짜 2021.09.24
루리웹-2122312666 | 추천 145 | 조회 71006 | 날짜 2021.09.24
긴박락 | 추천 3 | 조회 9274 | 날짜 2021.09.24
타카가키 카에데 | 추천 13 | 조회 18463 | 날짜 2021.09.24
꼬르륵꾸르륵 | 추천 3 | 조회 14523 | 날짜 2021.09.24
등대지기 공대생 | 추천 0 | 조회 9687 | 날짜 2021.09.24
no.777 | 추천 6 | 조회 14304 | 날짜 2021.09.24
루리웹-7309663092 | 추천 68 | 조회 63140 | 날짜 2021.09.24
이사령 | 추천 15 | 조회 20680 | 날짜 2021.09.24
달걀조아 | 추천 4 | 조회 7730 | 날짜 2021.09.24
| 추천 3 | 조회 6083 | 날짜 2021.09.24
MK.II | 추천 7 | 조회 12753 | 날짜 2021.09.24
고수달. | 추천 3 | 조회 12250 | 날짜 2021.09.24
『EDEN』 | 추천 3 | 조회 5273 | 날짜 2021.09.24
Julia Chang | 추천 80 | 조회 36904 | 날짜 2021.09.24

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