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댓글 7

* 정답 3번이라함

엠버의눙물 | (IP보기클릭)211.234.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:10

Education, at Its teaches critical thinking: the ability to stop and think before acting, to avoid succumbing to emotional pressures. This is not thought control. It is the very reverse: mental liberation. Even the most advanced intellectual will be imperfect at this skill. But even imperfect possession of it of being 'stimulus-driven', constantly reacting to the immediate environment, the brightest colours or loudest sounds. Being driven by heuristic responses, living by instinct and emotion all the time, is a very easy way to live, in many ways: thought is effortful, especially for the inexperienced. But emotions are also exhausting, and short-term reactions may not, in the long term, be the most beneficial for health and survival. Just as we reach for burgers for the sake of convenience, storing up the arterial fat which may one day kill us, so our reliance on feelings can do us great harm. * succumb: 굴복하다 ** arterial: 동맥의 1 intensifies people's danger 2 allows us to accept the inevitability 3 frees a person from the burden 4 requires one to have the experience 5 enhances our understanding

smappa | (IP보기클릭)61.254.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:11

어휘가 좀 어렵긴 한데 독해만 되면 빈칸 바로 다음 문장까지만 봐도 풀리긴 할 듯

月山明博 | (IP보기클릭)172.225.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:11

나 시간 없어서 이거 3번 찍었는데 ㅋㅋ

트리플치즈버거 | (IP보기클릭)211.199.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:11


갱댁 | (IP보기클릭)106.102.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:13

mental liberation이라고 앞에 힌트 나옴.

갱댁 | (IP보기클릭)106.102.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:14

F가 아닌 T가 됩시다라고 느껴지네 ㅋㅋ

NBrog | (IP보기클릭)211.184.***.*** | 24.11.15 10:19
댓글 7
1 | 1 | 63 12:32 | 여 월
6 | 5 | 140 12:32 | 슈발 그랑
39 | 10 | 2000 12:31 | 개릉이
65 | 56 | 7006 12:31 | 이세계패러독스
1 | 2 | 39 12:31 | 젠틀주탱
1 | 0 | 44 12:31 | 떼비시
0 | 2 | 160 12:31 | FoxPhilia
0 | 0 | 202 12:31 | 여보야술좀그만마셔
2 | 5 | 106 12:31 | 고구마버블티
0 | 0 | 99 12:31 | 팬텀페인
4 | 2 | 217 12:31 | 브리두라스
0 | 1 | 62 12:31 | 아슈와간다
55 | 26 | 6086 12:30 | 민트진순부먹파인애플피자건포도
37 | 13 | 3922 12:30 | 근첩만읽을수있는닉네임
3 | 7 | 154 12:30 | 죄수번호하나둘셋야!
2 | 2 | 67 12:30 | 야부키 카나ㅤ
0 | 2 | 195 12:30 | 후롤호룰후롤
3 | 0 | 84 12:30 | 여명성선
1 | 2 | 132 12:30 | 젠카이노아이돌마스터
6 | 8 | 195 12:29 | 루리웹-1543023300
1 | 0 | 110 12:29 | 0M0)
1 | 9 | 127 12:29 | 메지로 아르당
3 | 6 | 174 12:29 | Shin Geun
5 | 10 | 329 12:29 | 트황상폐하만세
0 | 0 | 73 12:29 | 디젤펑크유저
0 | 7 | 120 12:29 | 딜도오나홀동시보유
1 | 1 | 58 12:29 | 네코리아🥞
10 | 3 | 165 12:29 | 옥타비아♬

6 7 8 9 10

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