
[질문] 북미 계정으로 락스타 패스를 사면 한국 정발판에 돌아가나요?

일시 추천 조회 965 댓글수 2 프로필펼치기


댓글 2

-제가 직접 락스타에 문의 해본 결과 인스톨한 CD의 해당국가코드와 PSN계정지역이 똑같아야만 DLC가 정상적으로 설치 된다는군요. 해당 스레드를 복사해서 봍여드립니다. Your request (#73715) has been updated. Feel free to respond directly to this email and your comments will be added to the ticket. To review the status of the request and add additional comments, follow the link below to log on to Social Club and you will then proceed to your support ticket. http://support.rockstargames.com/tickets/73715 Note that Social Club is a free Rockstar community service which offers access to special in-game bonuses and exclusive website features. If you do not already have a Social Club account, you will need to create an account on the following page to access your ticket. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl G, Aug-09 07:27 (EDT): The Games region and the DLC region need to match. Korean game need Korean DLC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Osaka0235, Aug-09 06:57 (EDT): Hello, I bought LA Loire CD for PS3 in Korea. I am trying to get Rockstar Pass for LA Loire, but I realized that there might be an error. Since I am usuing N.American PSN account, I need to buy Rockstar pass from N.American PSN store. I tried to make Korean PSN accounts, however, they (Korean Sony Entertainment) still have issues with making a new PSN account. I can't tell that if the DLC will work if I buy Rockstar pass from N.American PSN store, since my CD is from Korea (Different Region). I had these kind of issues with EA games few months ago, so I want to be make sure before I buy it.

WTF.inc | 11.08.23 14:34

됩니다. 다만 포인트로 구매할때 본인 아이디가 아니면 다운 못받아요. 요즘 도는 저가형 북미포인트로 구매하면 그 아이디로 게임들어가서 락스타 패스로 DLC 몽땅 받고 로그아웃해줍니다. 본인 아이디로 게임들어가면 못받아요. 다음에 본인 주 아이디로 다시 게임들어가면 문제없이 적용되요.

maximumviolence | 11.08.23 16:34

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