BEST I trusted my friend as much as I trust you
so I willingly introduced you to my friend
and we just get along well each other after that meeting. having. a good time but,
where that meeting went wrong
when I was slowly sinking into somewhat unknown gut-feelings
you paid more interest to my frind than me, thus
our relations becoming fainted
until one day.....
aftet the day we awfully quarreled
you and my friend
stopped communicating, and seemed to avoid me
I noticed everything went wrong only after that moment
YOU and the FRIEND
has become lovely couple all too soon
I cried day and night, saying this isn't happening,
for I have to give up both love and friendship at the same time
another friend of mine knocked on my shoulder, saying
"forget about that", but I don't think I can do it.
I trusted my friend as much as I trust you
so I willingly introduced you to my friend
and we just get along well each other after that meeting. having. a good time but,
where that meeting went wrong
when I was slowly sinking into somewhat unknown gut-feelings
you paid more interest to my frind than me, thus
our relations becoming fainted
until one day.....
YOU and ME
aftet the day we awfully quarreled
you and my friend
stopped communicating, and seemed to avoid me
I noticed everything went wrong only after that moment
YOU and the FRIEND
has become lovely couple all too soon
I cried day and night, saying this isn't happening,
for I have to give up both love and friendship at the same time
another friend of mine knocked on my shoulder, saying
"forget about that", but I don't think I can do it.
I trusted my friend as much as I trust you so I willingly introduced you to my friend and we just get along well each other after that meeting. having. a good time but, where that meeting went wrong when I was slowly sinking into somewhat unknown gut-feelings you paid more interest to my frind than me, thus our relations becoming fainted until one day.....
YOU and ME aftet the day we awfully quarreled you and my friend stopped communicating, and seemed to avoid me I noticed everything went wrong only after that moment YOU and the FRIEND has become lovely couple all too soon I cried day and night, saying this isn't happening, for I have to give up both love and friendship at the same time another friend of mine knocked on my shoulder, saying "forget about that", but I don't think I can do it.
(여친 NTR당한 노래를 들으며 신나게 춤을 추던 90년대 사람들)
Happy birthday to U
I don't speak English
남의 남자를 탐내는건 나쁜짓이야
그럼 쥬거
........... BSS인가 BBS 그건가?
오우 흥미진진
I trusted my friend as much as I trust you so I willingly introduced you to my friend and we just get along well each other after that meeting. having. a good time but, where that meeting went wrong when I was slowly sinking into somewhat unknown gut-feelings you paid more interest to my frind than me, thus our relations becoming fainted until one day.....
深く暗い 幻想
YOU and ME aftet the day we awfully quarreled you and my friend stopped communicating, and seemed to avoid me I noticed everything went wrong only after that moment YOU and the FRIEND has become lovely couple all too soon I cried day and night, saying this isn't happening, for I have to give up both love and friendship at the same time another friend of mine knocked on my shoulder, saying "forget about that", but I don't think I can do it.
深く暗い 幻想
I don't speak English
Sorry my friend that I deceived you for a while Until now my friendship with you I guess I’m still a bit lacking
深く暗い 幻想
深く暗い 幻想
(여친 NTR당한 노래를 들으며 신나게 춤을 추던 90년대 사람들)
한국말로 하라고 한국말로!!
영어인데.... 읽혀져... 익숙한 노래를 듣는 것처럼....!
첫 줄만 읽어도 바로 내용 해석이 다되는 신기한 가사네.
난 소리도 들리더라 ㅋ 둥지기둥지기 둥지기~ 삘리리리..
어서 다음장!
궁금해서라도 영어공부를 하겠다 이건
오히려 그림만봐도 이해가 되기 때문에 안할수도 있음
드라마 한편 다 봤다
흑금논쟁은 오타쿠계의 오래된 갈등이다
Happy birthday to U
사랑의 결실에 비추 주는 사람들나빠!
태어날때부터 염색에 태닝했냐고 ㅋㅋ 금태양이 아니라 금발흑인이었나
무슨 내용인지 알고 싶으면 영어 공부를 해라 라는건가?
갑자기 루시를 묻었다
이건 남자쪽이 바람이네 ㅋㅋ
그래서 결말은?
당연(?)히 학교에서 사용하는 교과서는 아니고 어른들 공부용 교재임 ㅋㅋ 단돈 2천엔! 츄라이츄라이~
유미가 칼을 들고 달려들면서 나오는 음악 카나시미노~